Call of Duty vs PubG Comparison: which one has the better battle royale?

Ahsan raza
8 min readSep 30, 2020


Shooters on portable have made considerable progress over the most recent couple of years and the opposition is getting wild. Honorable obligation took as much time as necessary to show up on Android and iOS however now it’s a powerhouse. It has its own fight royale mode, tossing the glove to built up games in the class like PubG. Which is the reason we’re here today, to look at the two games and see which one should you sink your available time into.

This is our initial 1 versus 1 game survey: we’re pitting Call of Duty versus PubG. To keep things marginally easier, we’ll center just around the fight royale methods of the two games. We should get to it!

Graphics and styling:

In the event that you’ve perused our past portable game articles, you definitely realize that we think about CoD: versatile a standout amongst other looking games for cell phones. Also, all things considered. The visuals are so acceptable, at times you simply sit and can’t help thinking about how we can have a game that looks so great on your telephone.

The great impressions start when you enter the game and see your character model. Very nitty gritty, no level surfaces attempting to conceal the absence of polygons. When you take swift, decisive action, the decency proceeds. The earth is as practical as you get: trees, grass, mountains, they meet up impeccably to make a vivid domain.

Over at PubG portable, things aren’t too ratty either. The game looks great also, in any case, the manner in which the various components of the levels meet up isn’t as durable as that of CoD versatile. It resembles somebody sprinkled house models arbitrarily everywhere and dispersed a few vehicles to finish it off. This isn’t such an issue with the guides that were included later and center a particular sort of condition, yet the default one is certainly not as cleaned as that of CoD.

You most likely won’t notice that in the warmth of the fight, yet those are things your psyche gets subliminally and can influence the amount you appreciate the game.

One major contrast between the two games is the way they approach character models. In CoD, it’s tied in with looking boss with your coordinating military outfits and deceived out firearms. In PubG, you get significantly more opportunity to alter the vibes of your character, beginning from skin shading, hair, etc. At that point you get to the garments. There are countless numbers bits of clothing and adornments in this game it’s sort of ludicrous. Sooner or later, you begin contemplating whether you’re playing a shooter or another cycle of Sims.

So while CoD attempts to cause you to feel like an exceptionally prepared murdering machine out on a mission. In the interim, PubG gives you the decision to be as genuine or as ridiculous as you need.

Gameplay general:

Once you start playing, however, it’s like the games have traded philosophies. PubG becomes more strict, serious and old-fashioned, while CoD takes up a more arcade approach. In many aspects, the games are extremely similar, but there are some differences that make the gameplay feel very different. You’ll see what we mean as we go through the each game’s features.

Cameras and controls:

We should start with the fundamentals! You can play the two games in either first individual or third individual mode. One distinction is that PubG lets you switch between the two from an on-screen button as frequently as you like, yet just in the event that you’ve gotten a game together with the third-individual mode chose. The explanation behind that is basic, in third individual you can look around corners or over edges without presenting your character to adversary fire. A few players like to not have that choice and decide to play in first-individual mode.

The two games offer single three modes with regards to group size: single player, which means you against every other person, couples, where you’re combined with another player or a companion, and quads, or groups of 4. Here, the additional point goes to CoD: Mobile for having the choice to resuscitate dead colleagues utilizing their canine labels. A resuscitated player will have the option to join the activity in the wake of hopping from a plane in a few minutes. The issue is, numerous players don’t have the tolerance to rejoin the activity and leave the game before they can be restored, making the element repetitive.

The likenesses proceed with regards to controls. The two games offer extraordinary degrees of customization. You can move and resize fastens any way you need, pick your favored method to point or steer a vehicle. The equivalent goes for the plundering choices. You can choose which things your character will get naturally and the number of each, in the event that they should open entryways consequently or not, etc. With sufficient opportunity, you can tailor the game settings to fit you consummately.

One significant distinction between the two games is that Call of Duty has an auto-fire mode that PubG needs. With autofire on, when your crosshair is on a foe player, you begin terminating consequently. This can be helpful, since it implies your thumbs are allowed to control development and point, in any case, it has some undeniable downsides. For instance, in case you’re making an effort from a good ways and the adversary is moving, you need to point before them to hit them. With autofire on, you won’t have the option to do that. In general, it’s better in the event that you pull your own trigger in fight royale mode.


Alright, you’ve chosen your favored time size and camera see, your controls fit perfectly, it’s an ideal opportunity to get in the activity! In the two games, that implies hopping off a plane. In CoD, it’s a cool, cutting edge one, while in PubG it’s a standard turboprop one yet players can pick various skins for it! What’s more significant is the place you land.

This is the Ace PubG has at its disposal. The game has 4 enormous guides with totally various conditions. The first one was trailed by a desert one, a winter one and an Asia-themed one. You can choose them separately or at arbitrary. The quantity of guides incredibly improves replayability and guarantees you won’t get exhausted from seeing similar areas constantly.

To be reasonable, Call of Duty is an a lot more youthful game and we’re certain it will get extra guides as time passes by. For the present, notwithstanding, it’s attempting to make up for lost time by offering differing conditions all in a similar guide. You have snow in one corner and desert in the other with green grass and trees in the middle. Certainly, it’s not practical, yet it lets you change the view surprisingly fast.

Each guide, paying little mind to the game, offers a wide assortment of sub-zones, from little towns to modern locales and army installations, slopes and ravines. No two experiences will be the equivalent with that numerous areas.

As is custom with fight royale games, the round beginnings with the full guide accessible, at that point the play territory begins to recoil, constraining players closer to one another. The rate at which that happens to a great extent decides the length of each round. That is the place we see another large distinction. In Call of obligation, the circle begins getting littler rather rapidly and in case you’re adequate to arrive at the last phases of the game, a round will last around 15 minutes. That implies less an ideal opportunity for plundering and additional time spent moving over the guide and connecting with adversaries.

With PubG, it’s very unique. On the off chance that you land in a far off aspect of the guide, it tends to be 10 minutes before you even observe another player. Furthermore, in case you’re the sole survivor, it’s for the most part after around 25 to 30 minutes of ongoing interaction, practically twofold that of CoD. The thing that matters is significant for one basic explanation: ergonomics. Playing a shooter isn’t the most agreeable experience when you’re holding a level piece of glass which can get very hot. Doing that for 30 minutes negatively affects your hands rather rapidly. PubG’s ongoing interaction is simply superfluously delayed for that stage.

Weapons and attachments:

In the two games, you start with no guns and getting one quick is a main concern. Here, Call of Duty’s emphasis on relentless activity becomes clear again. Incredible weapons are more promptly accessible in CoD than in PubG where from the outset you may end up going around with a skillet close by. Other than the thickness of the weapons, in any case, the two games are very comparable with regards to equip.

You can browse a wide scope of guns, shotguns, rifles, expert rifleman rifles and automatic weapons. With regards to one of a kind sorts of weapons, PubG has a crossbow while CoD has two or three rocket launchers. By and large, we’re giving CoD the edge with regards to the coolness of the weapons it offers.

Obviously, each game additionally gives a plenty of assistants to your firearms: stocks, handles, scopes, broadened mags, and so on! Connections can improve the weapon’s exactness or decrease its commotion yield with the goal that you’re more earnestly to situate on the guide. Extensions, obviously, let you point better, particularly from a significant distance.

Throwables are additionally copious. Acing the various kinds of explosives is the thing that isolates the serious players from the unremarkable ones. Past the standard frag, smoke and paralyze projectiles, CoD additionally has four different sorts, incorporating one with harmful gas, while PubG offers the exemplary molotov mixed drink.

Mending hardware is likewise accessible in the two games in an assortment of structures, nothing truly fascinating here. You put in no time flat to wrap yourself up or have a caffeinated drink and bounce once again into the fight.


Thus, an ideal opportunity for the primary concern! The extraordinary discussion, Call of Duty versus PubG, which one is better? All things considered, PubG has more guides and more garments. On the off chance that these two things are essential to you, at that point that is the game you ought to go for.

For the normal player, in any case, Call of obligation offers more cleaned and engaging ongoing interaction with better visuals and fascinating highlights. In case you’re hoping to sink hours into a versatile shooter, that is the game to do it!

